Have you ever thought about using your patron’s behavior gleaned through the program book content they consume to make their experience with your performing arts organization even better? Patron engagement has traditionally been a one-way street, but digital program books now open the door to countless possibilities for a truly interactive and responsive patron experience.

By thinking about your program book as a platform for patron engagement, you can take your program book AND your patron engagement initiatives to a whole new level. Paper program books have always been a static promotional vehicle with no insight into how many patrons actually read, revisit or even remember the content. But imagine being able to engage with patrons through instantaneous surveys and feedback forms. Or imagine being able to tell an advertiser how many eyes saw their advertisement, and better yet, how many patrons clicked their offer or link for more details. This type of insight and engagement can only be found when organizations adopt the use of digital program book platforms like Audience Access.

Want to give your patrons the right communications at the right time?

Audience Access has you covered! For any patrons who attended a performance and flipped through their digital program book, wouldn’t you want to send them a thank-you message or feedback survey soon after? Wouldn’t you want to communicate with them about upcoming shows and related offerings for your patrons who have expressed an interest in upcoming performances? These types of targeted, timely communications are easy to implement when you have a digital program book platform.

Want to sell more tickets for performances that patrons have expressed an interest in? 

Audience Access has you covered once again! Digital program books can not only capture audience interest in upcoming performances but can even take patrons to ticket purchasing options with a single click. With traditional program books, performing arts organizers could never gauge audience interest in current or future performances. But with today’s digital program book platforms such as Audience Access, you finally have a glimpse inside the minds and hearts of your patrons.

The opportunities for true audience engagement are endless when you make the switch to digital program books on the Audience Access platform. Increased (and improved!) patron engagement is finally a reality for your organization. Contact us to learn where the Audience Access platform can take you.

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