What is Content Delivery?

Content delivery is how content moves from its original creator, to you, the audience. The simplest way to look at content delivery is to consider the things that you encounter regularly. Whether it is a video, picture, music or words, it is all content, and it all has to get to you somehow. 

Content delivery could come in the form of the internet or broadcast channels. It could be another kind of medium, too, but these are perhaps the most common today. Content delivery is also impacted by what form the content itself is in. A photo, for example, could be delivered in print or digitally, but a video will likely only have a digital delivery method.

Why Content Delivery Matters

As a performing arts organization, you have content that has to be delivered. The way you choose to deliver that content impacts how your audience receives it. Good content delivery means good results, while poor content delivery can ultimately be a turnoff for your patrons.

There are a few types of content that your performing arts organization has to deliver. The biggest is, of course, the performance itself. As many organizations learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are options outside of traditional stage-based content delivery. Many shifted to virtual or digital delivery, and now maybe shifting back or taking a hybrid approach.

You also have the opportunity to share additional content that can improve your patrons’ experience. More information about the performance and the people behind it, sponsorship details and ads, and info on concessions and merchandise add to the experience. This has long been an analog content delivery, with printed program books, but we’re here to show you the modern alternative!

Modernizing Content Delivery

When you choose your method for content delivery, you need to know who your audience is and what they want. Ideally, content is interesting, fresh, and engaging, and delivered to the audience in an accessible way. A printed program is perhaps an older approach to content delivery, like relying on telephone calls when newer generations prefer text or email.

Using Audience Access to create and distribute a digital program book, you have the opportunity to deliver content in a way that suits your audience. Many of your patrons are already using their devices and even using them before the show starts. Instead of spending your resources on a printed program book, you could provide all of the same content in a digital format. The great thing about modern, digital content delivery is that you can track how well it works. Printed program books won’t give you a lot of feedback, other than how many people picked them up. But with a digital content delivery method, you can access and analyze data on how people interacted with your content. Try for yourself with a free trial!

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