Want To Know Who Is Sitting In Your Audience Tonight?

When the curtains go up and the show starts, you should be overjoyed that every ticket has sold and every seat is filled. But you can’t shake the worrisome feeling that something is missing. What’s missing is information about your audience members. If you’ve ever wished you knew more about every person sitting in the audience, then Audience Access has the answers for you.

Traditional Sales Leave You Missing Information

Traditionally, you could only gather data about the consumer who had purchased tickets to an event. And if the tickets were purchased in bulk by a corporation or perhaps regifted to friends and family, then your information became even more diluted and unreliable. These transactions highlight the fact that come showtime, a large portion of your audience would still be a mystery to your organization.

Digital Program Books Let You Connect to the Audience

Using digital program books changes the game completely. Anyone who gets a ticket to any performance will use their mobile device to access the digital program book. This means your digital program book instantly creates a live connection to every single patron. Now you have the incredible scenario where, because of the digital program book, you have the contact information not just for the consumer who bought the tickets but for every single person sitting in your venue!!!

By delivering your Audience Access digital program books via text, you’ll be able to collect valuable information from all your audience members. And this goes beyond things like email and phone number.

You can capture and analyze click-throughs, digital program usage, and more. You can even gather valuable feedback from audience members by sending polls and surveys via text. Before you know it, you’ll have built a complete picture of your audience that is ready for further marketing and engagement.

Remember that using Audience Access is as simple as sending a text. No complicated apps to download, no QR codes to scan, and no PDFs to load. Ready to take the next step?  Contact us learn more about this revolutionary product.

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