Once You Use These Features, You Won’t Be Able to Work Without Them!

Besides reopening the venue and getting other aspects in order after a pro-longed intermission, organizations can now start to think about amplifying the audience experience with a digital program book.

But before choosing just any digital program book, features make all the difference between a bad choice and a great choice. With the acceleration of technology over the past year, patrons will expect more from their beloved performing arts venue and that also means for the program book as well. Now that digital is more acceptable, patrons want more than a printed program book, or an app that is just a shell and redirects the patron back to your website.

A robust digital version of the printed program book that can also serve as a personal concierge and offer these features for your patrons will put your performing arts venue on the cutting edge. 

1. Two-Way Messaging

Short Messaging Service, abbreviated as SMS, is one of the fastest-growing channels used in all business types, including the performing arts. A 2-way messaging system is a type of SMS that incorporates both inbound and outbound text messaging into one service. 

Two-way messaging allows performing arts organizations to interact with patrons in real-time conversations. Through 2-way messaging, organizations can enhance their audience’s experience, resolve questions, and connect with them better. 

2. Mass Texting

The mass texting feature of the digital program book makes it possible for organizations to send text messages to thousands of patrons simultaneously. Mass texting is an efficient way of communicating and saving time because organizations can reach multiple patrons and target audiences simultaneously. 

This feature enables organizations to convey important messages to thousands of patrons with minimal effort.

3. Surveys

Get valuable feedback from patrons by sending polls and surveys through texts. Patrons’ feedback is necessary for the development of the organization. The organization can use the feedback to make the experience at the venue more engaging for the patrons.

They can also use the feedback to know what the patrons think about some ads and promotions on the digital program book.

Ultimately, the feedback from surveys and polls help the organization to remain relevant and understand patrons’ needs. Frequent polls and surveys help the organization keep patrons. 

4. Sponsors and Ads

With the sponsors and ads feature, organizations can easily attach animated or static ads and sponsors to the various sections of the digital program book. Sponsors and ads are critical in any business because they provide funding for the running of the organization. And when done properly, ads and sponsorships can turn a cost into a profit center for your digital program book.


Apart from the features mentioned above, other features like Text to Enter, Flash polls, Ticket Integration, Track Results, Data Collection, and many more will make your digital program book the talk of the town.

Our digital program book, Audience Access, has all these features and more and is super simple to use!

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