How One Arts Org Slashed $39,000 in Costs by Outsourcing Their Program Books

For performing arts organizations, managing program book publishing in-house can be an endless operational drain. High printing costs, labor-intensive tasks, and tight budgets make it a constant challenge. This was the situation facing a mid-tier Midwest arts group publishing nearly 80,000 printed program books per season but also using Audience Access for their digital programs.

Despite generating $3,000 from digital ad sales through Audience Access, the printed program books posed significant challenges due to:

  • Stagnant audience growth leading to declining revenues
  • The necessity to reduce expenses amid tightening budgets
  • In-house publishing diverting labor resources from strategic priorities

A Better Solution Through Outsourcing

That’s when they discovered Onstage’s Managed Program Book Services and sought a comprehensive outsourcing solution. After reviewing their current program specifications, Onstage recommended their Trendsetter Package – a hybrid model that provided a still significant print run, but using fewer pages and lesser quantities, then offset by their digital program, Audience Access. This package provided:

  • 59,500 printed 16-page programs per season
  • Supplementary digital content to reduce printing needs
  • Outsourced ad sales services to maximize revenue

The financial impact was significant!

By keeping their program books in-house, their season program book costs were projected to cost $65,011 for printing, layout/design labor, and digital expenses. That came out to an exorbitant $1.09 per program book.

Versus Onstage’s Managed Program Book Services

By simply turning over their program books to Onstage’s Managed Program Book Services and optimizing their print and digital assets, they slashed those costs by nearly half. Their program book expenses were just $39,966, and with a projected $14,412 digital/print ad revenue share, the organization’s net costs dropped to $25,554 – just $0.43 per program book.

This transition achieved an annual savings of $39,457 for the arts organization.

Beyond the Cost Savings

While the $39K+ in savings is impactful enough, partnering with Onstage provides added operational benefits:

  • Reduced administrative burden on internal teams
  • High production quality ensuring premier audience experiences
  • More organizational focus on core strategies for audience growth

For performing arts organizations aiming to reallocate resources towards enhancing their performances and engaging audiences, Onstage’s Managed Program Book Services provides a compelling solution to cut costs and optimize operations.

By following this blueprint, performing arts organizations can overhaul an often-overlooked expense category and realign spending with their true mission.

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