What Is A Digital Program Book Content Management System?

Digital program books are an exciting way to combine online marketing with instant customer engagement. Even more exciting is how you manage that digital content. Imagine being able to easily design beautiful content, make last-minute updates, and instantly engage with patrons. All of this is possible with a digital program book content management system.

An Online Presence That’s Easy to Design and Update

Because it “lives” online, you might think a digital program book is like a website or an app. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. Unlike websites and apps that require programming knowledge, a digital program book is simple to design and publish. In addition, updating the digital content is straightforward and lightning-fast, giving an organization the wiggle room to make changes right up to the last minute. On the other hand, updating and publishing a website or app requiring back-end and front-end coding that is far more complex.

App-style Features That Patrons Will Love

When it comes to features and functionality, a digital program book provides all the real-time functions that patrons would expect from an app, such as one-touch donations, interactive surveys, and promotional offers. In the end, a digital program book provides the benefits of app-like performance without the design complexity. Best of all, patrons can share the digital program book on their social media, broadening the reach of your marketing campaign.

Offline Options Complement the Online Experience

Keep in mind that this new publishing model doesn’t simply do away with print. Instead, it incorporates a slimmed-down printed component that mature audiences will appreciate. This ‘lightweight’ program book would be much cheaper to produce, typically reaching 4 to 16 pages as opposed to the 64 to 96-page program books you would traditionally publish. This component acts more like lead generation than a static printed program book. The intention is to lead these patrons to the digital version for a more robust experience, all while capturing unique information for your performing arts organization.

The Secret to Advertising in Slimmed Down Program Books

The secret to advertising in these slimmed-down printed program books is that… there is no printed advertising! Instead, you would publish a small, scannable QR code. Patrons who scan this code with their smartphone camera would immediately be routed to the digital program book for a richer experience. Successful performing arts organizations also place posters throughout the venue with that same QR code to further highlight this new engaging experience for patrons. 

Easy Online Distribution, Frictionless Access 

A performing arts organization traditionally had only one distribution channel for program books: the usher! But with the new digital content model, you now have the option of both online and offline distribution of program book content.

For successful online distribution, access to your digital program book needs to be frictionless. That could mean something as basic as not asking patrons to download and install a clunky app. It’s especially important to lower the barrier to access for first-time patrons who may not have the patience to click through multiple steps. By making the interaction stress-free, your patrons will be more likely to let you engage with them on their mobile devices. Once you establish this relationship, they’ll also be more likely to return to your venue and further their engagement with you. To achieve that seamless online distribution, consider using text messaging, QR codes, and email links to deliver content in an impactful way that no printed program book can match.

Ready to see this type of content management in action? Contact us to learn more about the Audience Access platform. 

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