Striking the Balance: How Audience Access Makes Limited Print Runs Feasible for Arts Groups

Performing arts organizations today need solutions to reduce the environmental impact of program printing while still delivering for patrons. Large print runs generate massive paper waste and carbon emissions that hurt our planet. But transitioning to limited print runs can be tricky to implement. That’s where Audience Access comes in! Audience Access’ digital and print program book services make sustainable limited print runs totally feasible for arts organizations.

The Environmental Impact of Traditional Printing

Let’s get real – giant print runs require tons of paper and energy that damage the environment. We’re talking entire forests used per show with giant carbon footprints! Plus, all those unused program books just end up in the trash. Not good! Studies show printing program books traditionally kills over 28.5 tons of trees annually for the average arts organization. Yikes! And all that paper production and transport burns fossil fuels that pollute our planet, to the tune of 161,000 pounds of CO2 annually and this is for your arts organization alone!

The costs also add up quick with large upfront print costs – we’re talking thousands down the drain whether programs are handed out or not. There’s got to be a better way!

Advantages of Limited Print Runs

Transitioning to limited program book print runs based on demand significantly reduces waste and emissions. Printing a short print run offset by digital can decrease your arts organization’s carbon footprint by up to 94%. With lower print quantities, there’s less energy consumption for production and transport as well. It’s a double sustainability win!

Limited runs also save big on costs. You skip the huge upfront outlay and only pay for what you need. Tracking sales data helps optimize print quantities over time, so savings add up. Going limited print is way easier on the budget!

Success Stories

Performing arts organizations across the country have already made the sustainable switch to Audience Access. Arts organizations using Audience Access for all their program book needs are cutting their printed program book waste by over 10,000 lbs annually! Others report double digit decreases in energy and transportation emissions. The numbers speak for themselves – limited print runs offset by digital works.

Strategies for Transitioning

Here are some tips for making the shift seamless with Audience Access:

  • Use Audience Access’ digital program book platform to manage all your program content.
  • Leverage Audience Access’ printing partners and sustainable materials for your limited print run. We handle it all!
  • Promote the changes and offer incentives for going paperless. Audience Access’ analytics track progress so you can optimize along the way.
  • Train staff to help patrons during the transition period. An incremental rollout eases the shift.

Measuring the Sustainability Impact

Audience Access’ custom analytics provide the data needed to quantify sustainability gains. Track metrics over time. Set environmental impact goals and monitor progress through Audience Access’ intuitive dashboard. The numbers don’t lie – digital delivers!

Overcoming Challenges

Change can be tough, but Audience Access is here to help! Some longtime patrons may be resistant to digital programs. That’s why limited print runs help ease the transition. Audience Access’ team provides resources and best practices to drive adoption. With time the environmental benefits will speak for themselves, and you’ll be on your way to becoming B Corp Certified.


The bottom line – implementing limited print runs through Audience Access allows arts organizations to strike the perfect balance between patron experience and sustainability. Reducing paper waste, emissions, and costs is achievable with Audience Access’ innovative hybrid print/digital solution. Let’s lead by example and create a greener arts world! Check out Audience Access to learn more and implement limited print runs for your next performance. Together we can drive real change in the arts!

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