Why Text Messaging Should Be Included In The Marketing Mix?

Your patrons are texting, so why aren’t you? Knowing how to use text message marketing opens the doors to more relationships in more places. Your patrons are constantly on their devices, so why not use text message marketing to reach them where they are?

There are many benefits to text message marketing–it’s easy and cost-effective. Here are some of the top advantages to text message marketing, followed by information on how Audience Access can help you put this into place.

A Personalized Approach

Knowing how to use text message marketing means you know how to reach your potential patrons on a personal level. Many people carry their phones everywhere they go and are attuned to digital messages. If your brand can become part of that regular routine, you will have an opportunity for personal connection.

Our service ensures that you have everything you need to connect with clients via two-way messaging. But knowing how and when to use it to enhance your patrons’ experience with your organization is the key. By sending targeted messages or allowing for service icons via text message for the ultimate customer service experience shows your patrons that you are in tune with this new world, but also allows you to enhance your marketing initiatives.

Better Results

Maybe it’s because people are used to using their phones! Whatever the reason, text messaging marketing campaigns often garner better results.

One study found that 60 percent of consumers answer text messages within one to five minutes. This may differ when it comes to a marketing text versus a personal message, but it still shows how frequently people use their phones. The same survey respondents were largely open to receiving messages about orders and scheduling, which is ideal for those in the performing arts industry.

More Data to Improve Future Marketing

You cannot personalize a marketing campaign nor engage with your clients in a meaningful way unless you have data. Text messaging marketing allows you to dig into who is answering texts or clicking to find out more. You get immediate response data, which lets you monitor, track, and improve your marketing efforts.

Audience Access makes your life easier and your marketing more effective while providing an enhanced patron experience. While audience members are appreciating integrated tickets, one-click concessions, text message customer service, and other features, you start to appreciate the data more and more. Every click, response, and message gives you more insight as to who your audience is and what they might want next.

You can directly ask for that information with a built-in survey feature. Seek feedback and use that valuable information, or send out a quick flash poll and get results in real-time. You can also use the information gathered through ticketing and app usage to check in on click-throughs, digital program usage, and other details.

Audience Access makes it easy for your performing arts organization to market via text message. It also extends beyond marketing, creating a user-friendly, enhanced experience for all patrons during performances, before, and after.

Move into the future with text message marketing via Audience Access. Sign up today to start today for free!

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